
Baildon Horticultural Society Minutes of the meeting dated 11th November 2024 The Bull’s Head

PRESENT: Neal Parry (NP), Louise Mallinson (LM), Richard Nottidge (RN), Robin Weedon (RW), Dale Holgate (DH), Charlotte Martin (CM), Sharon Burrows (SB) and Claire Bray (CB).

1. Apologies for absence:

Peter Laws (PL), Mike Webster (MW).

2. Chairs opening remarks:

NP welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. Actions from previous meetings:

  1. Hedge cutting at Thompson Lane (LM)
    Action: Hedge cutting hasn’t been done yet. LM to get back in touch with James at BTC.

  2. National Allotment Society – Important Information for Associations (CB) Action: Register with HMRC on Government Gateway. This is now complete.

  3. AGM Monday 9th December

    The Old Glen House 7pm, (private room).
    Action: LM has sent a save the date email to members. Agenda to follow.
    RN to confirm booking with The Old Glen House.
    RW has created posters for each of the sales huts, FB post and added information to the website.

  4. GDPR (CB)
    Action: Arrange January meeting for signing of management agreement. Confirm GDPR information BTC require as part of this meeting.

  5. BTC Environment committee meeting (LM/NP/RN)

    Tuesday 29th October. LM, NP and RN presented a report which was well received. Action: NP and RN have a meeting with BTC on 14th November to go through some points which were raised prior to the Environment Committee. To talk about the yearly budget from Bradford Council to BTC for the allotments and how it has been spent over the last few years. How much money is left from the initial funding for the upkeep of the 2 red telephone boxes.

  6. Committee vacancies

    Action: NP to contact prospective candidate.
    Two additional general vacancies on the committee for Charlestown members Action: NP to contact prospective candidates.

  1. Plot holder at Charlestown change of address

    Letter attached to gate of plot and received by the plot holder.
    The Committee all agreed on the final decision that the tenancy would come to an end on the 31st December if the tenant is not living in Baildon.
    Action: NP to reply to letter from JT. A further letter to be sent to the plot holder advising of the decision by the committee.

  2. Tree Surgery at Charlestown (CM/PL/NP)

    Willow, cherry, side along business car park and plot 50A/51/57
    Action: Ongoing. NP to look at all of the work required and arrange quotes.

  3. Winter water switch off at Charlestown (DH)

    Switched off 12/11/24 – plot holders made aware

4. Member’s issues:


5. Reports:
Allotment officers:
Charlestown: 4 on the waiting list and 3 existing tenants (2 would like an additional plot and 1 would like to swap to a larger plot). Small holding list has 2 people waiting.
Thompson Lane: 5 on the waiting list.


Draft final accounts shared with the committee.
Treasurer has seen auditor, Sarah, on 13/11. Fy23 accounts are with her to go through and sign off. Fy24 will be with her w/c 18/11 and should be signed off before the AGM.


Nothing to report.

Health and Safety:

Nothing to report.

Show Secretary:

Nothing to report.

Membership Secretary:

Nothing to report.

6. Any other business:

  1. Committee positions for vote at the AGM:

    NP Chair

    LM Vice Chair

  2. Christmas Drinks at Thompson Lane Allotments

    21st December.

  3. Thompson Lane Sales Hut closed throughout December

Date of the next meeting is the AGM – 7pm Monday 9th December at The Old Glen House, Prod Lane, Baildon.