Now in its 72nd year, our Show took place at Sandal School on a warm, late summer’s afternoon and welcomed over 600 entries from keen exhibitors. The event was delighted that new entrants joined regular faces to showcase their efforts.
Hundreds turned out to view the best growing, baking and crafting skills Baildon has to offer.
The Show has over 90 classes which include vegetables, fruit, flowers, egg, baking, preserves, craft & photography competitions at the event, which has been part of the Baildon community for over 120 years.
The atmosphere buzzed with an array of local stalls selling crafts and produce, kitting and crochet lessons, honey from our own apiarist and of course, the ever-popular tombola and raffle. We also had the cafe serving a variety of delicious homemade cakes, cream teas and refreshments.
As well as the original trophies a new trophy was awarded in memory of our late president and grower at Charlestown allotment, Donald Butterfield.
Baildon Horticultural Society would also like to thank everyone who gave up their time and supported the Show, including the many local businesses for their generous sponsorship of the event.