Once again, our Show took place at Sandal School . Hundreds turned out to view the best growing, baking and crafting skills Baildon has to offer.

The Show has over 100 classes which include vegetables, fruit, flowers, baking, craft & photography competitions at the event, which has been part of the Baildon community for over 120 years.

There were several stalls selling crafts & produce and, of course, the ever-popular tombola and raffle. We also had the cafe serving a variety of delicious homemade cakes and refreshments.

Dawn Tinsley, who co-ordinated a large group of volunteers to stage the show this year, was pleased to see so many new faces exhibiting for the first time.

 Brian King, a regular contributor to the show, was awarded the Donald Butterfeild Memorial Trophy for the best trug section, he also was awarded trophies  for his Onions, Potatoes and Shallots.

Charlotte Martin was awarded silver and bronze medals for Best Dahlias  Classes.

Away from flowers and veg, Christine Lalic won the Best Exhibit in the Baking Classes and Jon Roughton picked up the award for the best exhibit in the egg section. Jan Studzinski our President was on hand to present the trophies to the winners, he thanked all involved for making this year’s show such a great success. All winners are listed below.

Baildon Horticultural Society would also like to thank everyone who gave up their time and supported the Show.


We once again we acknowledge the continued  support of the many local businesses  who without their support this show would not be possible.



Donald Butterfield Memorial Trophy 

Best Trug, Basket or Box

Brian King

Harry Weston Memorial Trophy

Best Exhibit of Onions

Brian King

Lady Alice Whitehead Cup

Best exhibit in Members Veg Section

Ruth Anderson

John Ryan Memorial Trophy

Best exhibit in Potatoes

Brian King

Harry Clough Memorial Cup

Best exhibit in Shallots

Brian King

William Memorial Trophy

Best exhibit in Egg Section

Jon Roughton

Fothergill Cup

Winner of Mixed Flowers

Charlotte Martin

Gladys Reddihough Cup

Best exhibit in Preserves Classes

Louise Mallinson

Norman Smith Trophy

Best exhibit in Sweet Peas

John Conway

Fred Atkinson Memorial Trophy

Best exhibit Flower Section

Brian King

Bernard Greaves Cup

Best exhibit in Novice Section

Mandy Maher

Sylvia Dransfield Cup

Overall winner of Tomato Championship

Jo Pike

Mary Lambert Cup

Best exhibit in Baking Classes

Christine Lalic

Robertshaw Cup

Best exhibit in Handicraft Section

Denisie Cleves


Best exhibit in Children Section (Primary)

Isla Alexander


Best exhibit in Children Section


Sally Ratcliffe




Certificate in Floral Art

For the best flowering arrangement

Pam Ilingworth

National Dahlia Society

Silver Medal Certificate

Charlotte Martin

National Dahlia Society

Bronze Medal Certificate

Charlotte Martin

National Vegetable Society

Most meritorious vegetable exhibit

David Allison

British Gladiolus Society

Certificate  of  Merit

Brian King

National Chrysanthemum Society

Certificate of Merit

Brian King

Banksian Medal

Highest Number of points

Brian King